How to upload marks and feedback (Award-bearing courses)

Once you have downloaded and marked your assignments, the second stage of the marking process is to upload marks and feedback to the course site. Once you have done so, you should contact your course administrator and let them know.

The video below explains how to upload marked assignments, or scroll down for written instructions.

Our recommended process when dealing with a whole cohort is to first upload the annotated scripts and feedback files. Then, add the mark for each student.

Alternatively, you can add the mark and upload the feedback files for individual students. Scroll down for the step-by-step instructions.

Uploading multiple feedback files

  • Check all your feedback files; the file names should start with the same name as the submission files you downloaded and marked, followed by’-feedback’. For example, if the submission file was called Participant_26_assignsubmission_file_Test assignment.docx, the feedback files will be named: Participant_26_assignsubmission_file_Test assignment_feedback.docx
  • Select all the feedback forms and zip them into a new folder.  The folder name does not matter as long as the feedback files have the same names as before. Important: Don’t just edit the files inside their original folder and re-zip this; it will not work.

You are now ready to upload your feedback files to Moodle.

  • Log in to the course site and open the relevant assignment.
  • Click View all submissions.
  • As a Grading action, select ”Upload multiple feedback files in a zip” in the drop-down box, and upload this newly zipped folder.
  • You will be presented with a confirmation screen displaying your feedback files. (If you zip files from a Mac, make sure to remove the folder _MACOSX.)
  • On the next screen, check that all the files appear in the feedback file column. If any are missing, you can upload them individually following the instructions below.

Adding marks and final checks

Once you have uploaded your feedback files for all the students, you are ready to add the mark for each student.

  • From the grading interface, in the Grade column, you can see a textbox below each Grade button.
  • Type the mark in the Grade out of 100 box.
  • If relevant, enter any feedback in the Feedback comments box for that row.
  • If you have uploaded a feedback file, check that the file that appears here is correct (you can click on it to download and open it on your computer).
  • To save the marks and feedback text, below the table, click on Save all quick grading changes.

If you notice a mistake or need to change anything (including feedback files), you can follow the instructions below for marking individual submissions in order to access your marks, feedback text and files for individual students.

Adding marks and feedback for individual students

  • Log in to the course site and open the relevant assignment
  • Click View all submissions
  • Click the Grade button for the relevant student to open the grading window, shown below.

If you have files to return to the student (for example, a marking form, the student’s assignment script marked-up with comments, or a specimen answer) use the Feedback files box to upload the files as described in the instructions below. You can upload multiple feedback files for an assignment.

To upload files, you can either:

  • Click Add file, circled in the Feedback files section of the screenshot above. This will bring up the File picker window
  • Click Upload a file
  • Click Browse to locate the relevant file on your computer
  • Click Upload this file
  • Your file will appear in the box, successfully uploaded.


If your web browser supports drag and drop you can:

  • Open File Explorer on your PC or Finder on your Mac
  • Navigate to the location of the file that you want to upload
  • Hold down the mouse button on the required file and drag it into the Feedback files box where indicated
  • Release the mouse button.

Repeat the steps above for all the files you need to return to this particular student.

Uploaded files are listed in the Feedback files box; if you need to delete a file, click on the file and then click Delete at the top of the dialogue box that appears.

Do not close the window or go to another screen before saving your actions.

To save the information you have entered, either click Save changes to save and return to the View submissions screen, or  Save and show next to move to the next assignment.

Releasing feedback to students

Once your feedback has been uploaded, contact your course administrator to let them know you have done so. Once all markers have uploaded their marks and feedback, and any moderation has taken place or penalties for late submission applied, marks will be released to the students by the course administrator.