Advanced features to aid the marking process

Within the grading screen, Moodle includes a number of features which may help you manage your marking. We have listed a selection of the most useful here, but if you explore you may discover others. Please consult your course administrator if you find any other features you are interested in using.


One useful option on the marking screen is the ability to filter the assignments on certain attributes by using the Filter drop-down menu in the Options section at the bottom of the page. This allows you to filter all assignments by the options Not submitted, Submitted, Requires grading and Granted extension. Note that if you choose a filter that has no matches, all assignments will disappear from the screen. You can get them back by choosing No filter.

Hiding columns in the marking screen

As there are many columns in the marking screen, unless your screen is very large you will have to scroll horizontally to view all of them. However, you are able to personalise how the screen is displayed by using the minus icon in the column header to hide columns and the plus icon + to reveal them.

Assignments per page

This option appears at the bottom of the page under Options and allows you to change the number of assignments you can see on a page.


If your course contains groups, you can use the Visible groups or Separate groups drop-down menu in the top left-hand side of the Grading summary screen to filter the assignments so you see only those that apply to your group.